Less dogma. More openness to the questioning of assumptions. (This is the best way to discover/weigh the merits of core beliefs anyhow.)
A commitment to helping people without the "sales pitch" that they adopt a new belief system. (This might sound unreasonable, but if you SHOW people the good you are doing them without asking their critical minds in return, they may be more apt to participate in your moral project.)
A prevalent acceptance among members of the fact that those critical of the church's belief system may have some good points and a willingness to explore valid criticisms of the institution and it's dogmas.
A commitment to helping people without the "sales pitch" that they adopt a new belief system. (This might sound unreasonable, but if you SHOW people the good you are doing them without asking their critical minds in return, they may be more apt to participate in your moral project.)
A prevalent acceptance among members of the fact that those critical of the church's belief system may have some good points and a willingness to explore valid criticisms of the institution and it's dogmas.