(March 20, 2019 at 10:17 am)Jörmungandr Wrote: Do you have a theory as to how that would occur, namely how the fetus would receive the necessary pair of chromosomes, whether the chromosal make-up would be abnormal, and how that would happen?according to the article If I remember correctly many cases where dismissed because of 'limited sexual contact'/partial penetration, or exposure to semen. and It hink I remember seeing something about a partially developed 'twin brother' in another case.. I honestly do not know anything beyond what the article reads.
Quote:Also, just for my information, were Joseph and Mary wed at the time she became pregnant? My recollection is that they weren't.they where betrothed. meaning she was too young to be married, (hence confirmation of her virginity) meaning too young for legal sex under the law of moses which all the more offensive if she where to turn up pregnant, as it would make Joseph like a 1st century version of a Jewish pedophile. All the more to deny having sex/not his child which would go back to her claiming to be a virgin which again would in turn demand someone check.
(March 19, 2019 at 2:57 pm)Drich Wrote: Her husband would be a witness to her adultery and her new born would be the second.

I guess we now know what standard to apply if you tell us you bear witness to Christ and God.
I mean to say if she was not a virgin, the fact that a man's word trumps a woman's claim in that culture coupled with Jospeh's claim not having father a child with her,) times the fact she had a child would mean she had sex outside of her husband's line.