RE: Fox News’ Father Jonathan Morris is Quitting the Priesthood So He Can Have Sex
May 30, 2019 at 3:25 pm
(May 30, 2019 at 1:47 pm)Fake Messiah Wrote:(May 30, 2019 at 11:59 am)Drich Wrote: Well regaurdless of what you understand or clearly don't... others do get the point I made.
Like I said nobody, including you, understands what you wrote.
(May 30, 2019 at 11:59 am)Drich Wrote: Neil Degrasse tyson herolds the gregoreian calander to the point he still says BC and AD because it is a genius level solid example of science in the church!
Not only that in the recent change from bce and ce NOTHING in the calendar changed.. do you understand the scientific significance of that?
Actually many nations don't use BC and AD, like China so are you saying they're stupid?
Also many scientists want to change it and consider it confusing
(May 30, 2019 at 11:59 am)Drich Wrote: Unga bung me no understand still! unga bunga me so stupid that me think still you say cut off hand... unga bunga me still don't get jesus is intentionally making it impossible to be a "good moral prson." which means we must atone for sin rather than pretend we not sin
It definitely makes you angry and grumpy because you must feel inhibited toward natural urges like sex drive.

There is a reason I use three sources... that reduces the chance that I am not just reading the parts I want to hear. that I get a good and accurate understanding of what something is and not just what I want to hear...
Like for instance the chinese people use the gregorian calendar just like everyone else.. Now it is is true in rural areas (farming communities they use a lunar calendar.) just like itis true some jews in the us use a lunar calendar, even so it is not right to claim all america uses a lunar calendar just because an isolated portion of the population does!
In fact the nation calendar is officially the gregorian calendar for china!
Do you see how much more polished my arguments are against yours? It is because the words of proof I use are not my own.. did you see where I quoted neil tyson? "greatest calendar made by man???" why did i do that? because it was not my claim and in order for you to refute it you have to find an intellect greater than that of neil degrasse tyson.. Or look like a dumb ass in a personal assault again neil. now you being a stump digger by intellectual design may not know who that is, but if you googled it most of your douche bags would worship everything this man says and does as he is a super science guy.
HE applauds the church for their scientific efforts He applauds them for being able to tack the starts and plot the position of the earth in it's orbit over 1000 years ago He Neil says their ability to locate the earth's relative position and accurately do the calculations to plot out an exact calendar could not be done better today!
Ok douche bag? do you get it? your prejudice and hate toward everything God and church has literally changed history for you in your little ditch digger mind You think science and God are seperate when from the beginning Science was the study of God and how God did things in the natural world. Not only hat I proved it with a large portion of not only history but a flagship Atheist celebrity!!
Here's something to think about when digging the next intellectual ditch you are going to try and make... If I am right and vet trivial things like the church's role in science... How much more right am I about things I have spent my life studying, things like God?