(June 18, 2019 at 6:56 pm)jessieban Wrote: So I was on my to a drug forum pharmacy, this theist gets in line and argues that Atheism and Science wouldn't exist without Christianity. Look at all the Science philosophers etc. such as Aristotle and many others in early Science were theists. She also claims Atheism is only good b/c all of the roots stem from Christianity, such Great Britain, founded on it, America founded by it, not on it. This lady had me thinking and it really bothers me, is she right? She says also American Slavery was horrific but that all of us were part of slavery throughout history, is this lady a fox news host? LOL, just let me know how you guys feel about it.
No. Atheism is the primoradial, healthy and uncontaminated state of all cognition on earth. Theism is a ruthless self-serving bacillus that subverts the will of its victims and bend all that is good and has real potential for collective growth towards its own aggrandizement.