Neo-con parties excluded
But seriously AWTY, I take your point. I'm in favour of mandatory empathy and intelligence tests be implemented to decide who gets a vote. Age alone is such an arbitrary measure of wisdom and kindness.
In other news more strikingly on topic - I read that the "hat" photo is a fake and also, even more pertinently perhaps:
"The Minnesota police handbook states that officers trained on how to compress the neck without applying direct pressure to the airway can use a knee under its use-of-force policy. This is regarded as a non-deadly-force option."

But seriously AWTY, I take your point. I'm in favour of mandatory empathy and intelligence tests be implemented to decide who gets a vote. Age alone is such an arbitrary measure of wisdom and kindness.
In other news more strikingly on topic - I read that the "hat" photo is a fake and also, even more pertinently perhaps:
"The Minnesota police handbook states that officers trained on how to compress the neck without applying direct pressure to the airway can use a knee under its use-of-force policy. This is regarded as a non-deadly-force option."