Police Unions are a big part of the problem. I'm very much pro-union, but in these cases the police unions have opposed all and any reasonable reforms. The entire justice system needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. And until that happens it doesn't matter how many Derek Chauvins get convicted or charged, because there'll be another one waiting around the corner. If you think this can be fixed by convicting a few cops, you don't understand the problem or how it got that way. If there are to be police, they should serve the community, rather than serving themselves. People love to say "What about the Good Cops?" Well, what about them? They're all part of the broken system. If they're willing to continue being part of that broken system, then are they really 'good cops'? Or are they part of the problem?
The whole tone of Church teaching in regard to woman is, to the last degree, contemptuous and degrading. - Elizabeth Cady Stanton