I have heard of people trying to break work up into some sort of quanta to somehow create a value system. They found that the work it takes to pick up a penny is too great and you should wait for another one to land nearby to make it worth your while to bend over.
CEOS will get creamed in this system because they largely just sit in meetings. Maybe they would get a higher work quanta score based on effect of word? Maybe CEOs and Administrative Assistants will make similar wages due to similar keystrokes? Maybe data entry people will earn big bucks for all that typing or the person loading grain into a box car will be wealthy just based on expended energy? I doubt that would work because it doesn't take into account the scarcity of the worker or skills necessary for success.
Oh and BTW gold based money or really any commodity based money is a bad idea it fails to expand and contract with the economy and, back in the day, China was using that fact to deplete our gold which brought about the law that US citizens could not own gold! That begat the outrage within the system and from without that, "How could a currency be considered 'backed by gold' actually be backed by gold when you can't obtain the gold with which that currency is backed!?" This is the crux of the problem because any commodity will fluctuate based on market forces which adds a dynamic effect within that market so it is more difficult to know the value of a currency. The current fiat method based on basket of goods per capita and the demand for said money at least responds to the market better than a commodity based currency.
Yes, I'm aware of the dismal history related to fiat currency, but even given that for some reason the greenback keeps soldiering on. Probably because of our huge fuck-off military. So if any country is like, "Yo, your money isn't good." We park a carrier off the coast and their like, "Oh, my bad, I guess I'll use your currency to buy the oil that I need because I guess it IS worth what you say its worth."
CEOS will get creamed in this system because they largely just sit in meetings. Maybe they would get a higher work quanta score based on effect of word? Maybe CEOs and Administrative Assistants will make similar wages due to similar keystrokes? Maybe data entry people will earn big bucks for all that typing or the person loading grain into a box car will be wealthy just based on expended energy? I doubt that would work because it doesn't take into account the scarcity of the worker or skills necessary for success.
Oh and BTW gold based money or really any commodity based money is a bad idea it fails to expand and contract with the economy and, back in the day, China was using that fact to deplete our gold which brought about the law that US citizens could not own gold! That begat the outrage within the system and from without that, "How could a currency be considered 'backed by gold' actually be backed by gold when you can't obtain the gold with which that currency is backed!?" This is the crux of the problem because any commodity will fluctuate based on market forces which adds a dynamic effect within that market so it is more difficult to know the value of a currency. The current fiat method based on basket of goods per capita and the demand for said money at least responds to the market better than a commodity based currency.
Yes, I'm aware of the dismal history related to fiat currency, but even given that for some reason the greenback keeps soldiering on. Probably because of our huge fuck-off military. So if any country is like, "Yo, your money isn't good." We park a carrier off the coast and their like, "Oh, my bad, I guess I'll use your currency to buy the oil that I need because I guess it IS worth what you say its worth."