The center is better than fascism, and it's where the swing voters are. The presidential election can't be won by Democrats without them. It may not be ideal, but the Republicans have it worse: they can't win without the deplorables and so they've moved so far to the right that they're losing the center. You can't do anything in the government if you lose. I left the LP because the GOP is such a clear and present danger and only the Democrats have the numbers to have a chance of stopping them. I wish I had given up my 'voting for the lesser evil is still voting for evil' rhetoric sooner. There's never any choice but between greater and lesser evils when it comes to voting because no candidate is perfect, but you never have to take any blame for your candidate's actions if you don't pick one or your choice can't get elected. If you're not voting against the greater evil by voting for a lesser evil that can win, what are you doing to actually stop it or even slow it down?
I'm not anti-Christian. I'm anti-stupid.