(November 12, 2020 at 11:58 am)Mister Agenda Wrote: I would avoid making assertions about what other people do in a way that only requires one exception to prove you wrong.
The main thing wrong with the concept of God, completely aside from how some of his followers portray him, is that he's indistinguishable from other fictional characters that some people believe are real, but actually are probably not, in my estimation, the only estimation I can have. I don't think Vishnu is real, and it's certainly not because I want dominion over him or want his throne, it's just that the evidence for him being real is unconvincing to me; even though hundreds of thousands of people find him completely plausible. And the idea that not believing in Vishnu gives me some sort of dominion over him doesn't seem to follow at all. If Vishnu is real, my believing or not believing in him should not affect him in the slightest.
Well, provide an example, then.
I am not talking about Vishnu; that's another argument entirely. We're talking about the Christian God, Jesus Christ. Tell me what it is about Him that you don't find convincing or acceptable, and I'm not talking about historical facts. Those are basically inconsequential. I'm talking about His character and His Law. What is so wrong about Him, according to you?