Best proof that the xtian god is a load of horseshit - the Noah story.
Now this is the being that supposedly created the universe - and everything in it. This supposed god is supposed to be able to create matter itself - and energy - but.......
When he figures out that his human creations didn't work out - he has to enlist the help of an old drunk to do a seemingly impossible task -
When it would have been SOOOO much simpler just to pick up the offending humans and just toss them out into the void of space.... Hell - just pick em up and drop them 100 foot or so.......
Nope.. Go round up two of every animal and stick them in a bigassed boat built by a toddering old drunk.....
That seems much more efficient...
Now this is the being that supposedly created the universe - and everything in it. This supposed god is supposed to be able to create matter itself - and energy - but.......
When he figures out that his human creations didn't work out - he has to enlist the help of an old drunk to do a seemingly impossible task -
When it would have been SOOOO much simpler just to pick up the offending humans and just toss them out into the void of space.... Hell - just pick em up and drop them 100 foot or so.......
Nope.. Go round up two of every animal and stick them in a bigassed boat built by a toddering old drunk.....
That seems much more efficient...