(September 30, 2021 at 12:54 pm)TaraJo Wrote: I hate how the right is claiming that the left seriously wants to defund the police into nonexistence. Fact is, the only places with a strong enough democratic influence to defund police also have such strong unions that the police unions won’t let it happen.
Defunding the police isn’t about making police not exist anymore; it’s saying that small town police don’t need military equipment yet my parents small Oklahoma town of 30,000 has an armored humvee. That’s unnecessary.
Me, I think there’s a lot of stuff police are injected into that would be better relegated to others. Like, if instead of criminalizing homelessness and drug abuse, what if we tried to help the homeless get off the streets and clean up addicts? Police don’t need to be first responders for most mental health checks either.
Isn't it funny how the right spent 40 years attacking unions, starting with Reagan's successful busting of the air traffic controller's unions.
And I also find it funny that they are all anti government when Dems are in charge, but pro blue when they have the majority.
If the right fears a tyrannical government, then why are they so pro gun? There does need to be a separation between federal military and local police. But if you are arming police like they are landing on the beaches of Normandy, they are belying their own logic.
I think, regardless of party, if everyone is being honest, everyone wants both police and society to go to bed at night without getting killed.
But if both society and police are armed to the teeth, regardless of zip code, urban, suburban or rural, there is no way mistrust will go away.
Nobody sane likes living under fear of crime no matter their zip code, unless they are assholes like Al Capone or John Gotti.