Having been a recovering Catholic for over 50 years, I've never quite understood the fuss about Scientology. Ok, they're manipulative, and aggressive and believe in weird shit Ron Hubbard made up as he went along .
Honestly can't see how Scientology is any more mendacious and loopy than any of the Abrahamic religions. I won't even start on Hinduism. Scientology is very young. Give it 1000 years or so.
So far Scientology has been banned or refused tax free status in a goodly number of countries.
I really don't care about scientologists unless they get in my face. Then I tend to say some very unkind things. My wish is that all religions lose their tax exempt status and are not allowed to own property. I won't hold my breath
Honestly can't see how Scientology is any more mendacious and loopy than any of the Abrahamic religions. I won't even start on Hinduism. Scientology is very young. Give it 1000 years or so.
So far Scientology has been banned or refused tax free status in a goodly number of countries.
I really don't care about scientologists unless they get in my face. Then I tend to say some very unkind things. My wish is that all religions lose their tax exempt status and are not allowed to own property. I won't hold my breath