There are several reasons that cloning is a bad idea:
1) We can't. The technology does not currently exist to reliably clone a human being.
2) Copy error accumulation. Your distant descendants end up and copy of a copy of a copy... The accumulation of genetic errors eventually reduce said descendants to something slightly less sparky than a turnip.
3) Four billion years of evolution has shown time and again that self-replication is a trap that any organism that possibly can does its damnedest to avoid. Even bacteria swap genes.
4) There are some truly horrific ethical consequences too numerous to list here. I'll give you the easiest one: Which government or corporate agency do you trust to clone you?
1) We can't. The technology does not currently exist to reliably clone a human being.
2) Copy error accumulation. Your distant descendants end up and copy of a copy of a copy... The accumulation of genetic errors eventually reduce said descendants to something slightly less sparky than a turnip.
3) Four billion years of evolution has shown time and again that self-replication is a trap that any organism that possibly can does its damnedest to avoid. Even bacteria swap genes.
4) There are some truly horrific ethical consequences too numerous to list here. I'll give you the easiest one: Which government or corporate agency do you trust to clone you?