Quote:This is not a religious blog. First you have to demonstrate that any religion being discussed is actually valid and verifiable though scientific investigation.
Religion includes worldview and rules.
Religion is like a computer operating system that organizes other thoughts and actions.
The style of religions is either ancient or modern.
Modern religions are based on philosophy, experimental sciences and humanities.
Ancient style religions are based on revelation.
Ancient religions are not scientific in principle. Rather, the inventor of religion has claimed that the God of the world spoke to him and made him a ruler.
In the ancient religion, the inventor of the religion presents his own illusions, theories, and moods along with what he likes from other religions, as the world view and rules of the religion.
The inventor of ancient religions did not like his opinions and rulings to be criticized, protested and opposed. For this reason, he claimed that the creator of the world contacted him and made him the guardian and ruler of the people, and the opinions and rulings said by the creator of the religion are the opinions of the creator of the world.
Because the ancient religion claims that it was invented to make people happy in this world and the world after death, and it claims that its purpose is to support people in this world and the world after death.
So, if we explain in what cases a religion has voted or acted against humans and against humanity, then we have proven that the god of that religion does not want happiness and support for humans and is a devil, and it is no longer necessary to follow that religion. So all the laws of that religion are invalid and we should seek to follow a better religion.
Currently, the best religion to follow is non-heavenly humanism and liberalism.
Because practicing the philosophy of humanism and liberalism can bring comfort and peace and progress to women and men, but practicing an ancient religion such as Islam has nothing but misery in this world, and a religion that cannot build this world will not be suitable for the world after death.