Maybe in the bigger picture it is declining, but from the standpoint that I am in it seems like a different story. I live in a very religious city it seems like there is a church of some sort on every street corner. I have met very few like minded in my city. I recently have had to stay at a rescue mission, and maybe it's the fact that I had to be there everynight listening to preachers condeming me to hell, and uneeded intolerance that comes from being an open atheist in a heavy god fearing place such as that. So all I ever hear is that you are going to hell if you are not saved and that anyone who is without god cannot be moral and just. These people laugh in my face and scoff at the idea of evolution being true sayin there is no way they came from a monkey. I remember in Christopher Hitchens book "God is not great" that he was talking about if a group of religious people came walking towards him if he would be scared. and he said yes. As a humanistic atheist i agree, i may not have feared for my life but I did fear about being completley homeless with my son. As much as I wanted to question these religious brainwashers that came to preach. I had to for the sake of a place to live at the time keep my mouth shut. But I was not going to deny the evidence against god and if asked I will stand up for it.
Bill Maher: If you believe that the world is going to come to an end - and perhaps any day now - does it not drain one's motivation to improve life on earth while we're here?