I choose to believe my senses and accept what registers in them as real. I would go further than that and say that I believe some of the instruments that man has created. I am an objectivist and start my worldview by stating that there is an objective reality based purly on faith then back it up with repeated observations of reality using my senses and equipment that I have proven as valid.
Reality is fairly stable, when I drive on roads they go pretty much where I remember them going, and when I measure things they pretty much measure what I expect them to measure.
I work in a quality and reliability lab for Intel and we have several devices for measuring matter and energy. We verify the validity of a metrology by doing a metrology capability analysis to ascertain the signal to noise ratio that comes out of the machine. While it is true that the machine will not produce the same value twice, all values obtained from a capable machine will fall within an acceptable distance from the nominal value and will usually have a slight bias that can be subtracted out when comparing data between machines. The things we measure are NIST traceable standards and are verified by a calibration lab.
Is it all a house of cards? Yes, to some degree but it is a house of cards built to scientific standards and aligned to be as close to "true" as possible. Also, I can compare my house of cards with one halfway across the globe and they will get very similar results.
It is sheer laziness to accept a reality that is just amorphous and purely subjective. It also makes all observations pointless because they say just as much about reality as they do about the observer or the purusha and the prakriti if that is where you are going with this.
Reality is real because I can measure it and get results that fall within a gaussian distribution! YAY bell curve!
I choose to believe my senses and accept what registers in them as real. I would go further than that and say that I believe some of the instruments that man has created. I am an objectivist and start my worldview by stating that there is an objective reality based purly on faith then back it up with repeated observations of reality using my senses and equipment that I have proven as valid.
Reality is fairly stable, when I drive on roads they go pretty much where I remember them going, and when I measure things they pretty much measure what I expect them to measure.
I work in a quality and reliability lab for Intel and we have several devices for measuring matter and energy. We verify the validity of a metrology by doing a metrology capability analysis to ascertain the signal to noise ratio that comes out of the machine. While it is true that the machine will not produce the same value twice, all values obtained from a capable machine will fall within an acceptable distance from the nominal value and will usually have a slight bias that can be subtracted out when comparing data between machines. The things we measure are NIST traceable standards and are verified by a calibration lab.
Is it all a house of cards? Yes, to some degree but it is a house of cards built to scientific standards and aligned to be as close to "true" as possible. Also, I can compare my house of cards with one halfway across the globe and they will get very similar results.
It is sheer laziness to accept a reality that is just amorphous and purely subjective. It also makes all observations pointless because they say just as much about reality as they do about the observer or the purusha and the prakriti if that is where you are going with this.
Reality is real because I can measure it and get results that fall within a gaussian distribution! YAY bell curve!