Another thing is that people continue to use arguments from centuries ago that have been thoroughly refuted. First cause, teleological argument, argument from design, etc...
My favorite is when they try to argue for their specific flavor of religion based on scripture ot personal experience. It is usually after you ask them why they don't believe in any of the other religions. Then they usually dodge the next question which is "Don't all religions claim essentially the same thing?" The real answer is that yes all religions claiming a god or gods claim the same thing. What they claim is that they know god exists because their scripture says so. They know their scripture is true because they have experienced god in the way their scripture describes. It is circular. Scripture is true because god exists. God exists because scripture is true.
I also love when I say "why do you believe in god" and then someone says "look around you". That's so annoying.
My favorite is when they try to argue for their specific flavor of religion based on scripture ot personal experience. It is usually after you ask them why they don't believe in any of the other religions. Then they usually dodge the next question which is "Don't all religions claim essentially the same thing?" The real answer is that yes all religions claiming a god or gods claim the same thing. What they claim is that they know god exists because their scripture says so. They know their scripture is true because they have experienced god in the way their scripture describes. It is circular. Scripture is true because god exists. God exists because scripture is true.
I also love when I say "why do you believe in god" and then someone says "look around you". That's so annoying.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything." -Friedrich Nietzsche
"All thinking men are atheists." -Ernest Hemmingway
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire
"All thinking men are atheists." -Ernest Hemmingway
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." -Voltaire