I am also in agreement with Paul on this one. I know some people get offended when I tell them I don't believe in God or Jesus. But when they try to convince me that I am wrong in not believing in God, then I start to get irritated. When they try to be intelligent by parroting scripted lines from the Bible that I understand even better than them, I sense nothing but pure ignorance and delusion before my eyes. I also hate it when they say it is a matter of faith, not reason. Yeah, I know, THATS the whole problem! Why have faith in something which reason has shown to be clearly false and harmful? Faith (trust, confidence, asurrance) itself could be a good thing, a great thing! But not in that grotesque, hypocritical and dyfunctional religion!
I call myself a buddhist because I personally think it's awesome. I don't care if someone is indifferent to it, yet deep down inside I feel somewhat disturbed and uneasy if someone trivializes or disparages it. When I see this reaction in others, I view it as the opposite spectrum of ignorance and delusion. Yet even more truthfully and ultimately, I know this wall of ignorance and delusion still resides within me also.
Buddhism does urge personal investigation and experimentation, Christianity urges blind submission to orthodoxy and herd mentality. Even the Christian mystics seem to espouse more buddhist beliefs than Christian, but are too indoctrinated and conditioned in the outdated propaganda to pull themselves out of the fucking New Testament.
I call myself a buddhist because I personally think it's awesome. I don't care if someone is indifferent to it, yet deep down inside I feel somewhat disturbed and uneasy if someone trivializes or disparages it. When I see this reaction in others, I view it as the opposite spectrum of ignorance and delusion. Yet even more truthfully and ultimately, I know this wall of ignorance and delusion still resides within me also.
Buddhism does urge personal investigation and experimentation, Christianity urges blind submission to orthodoxy and herd mentality. Even the Christian mystics seem to espouse more buddhist beliefs than Christian, but are too indoctrinated and conditioned in the outdated propaganda to pull themselves out of the fucking New Testament.
You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.
There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.
There are only two mistakes one can make along the road to truth; not going all the way, and not starting.