(October 26, 2008 at 8:48 pm)Mikethechristian Wrote: hello everyone who has either chosen to not believe in the bible or have had it forced upon them by their atheist parents, i would like to share my views and answer questions that some of you may be wanting answered as before i was converted i too was wanting answers and when i found them it started to make sense and i finally realised that it was all true.All in all i would like to give YOU the choice of either following god to eternal life in heaven or reject god and deal with the consequences yourselves.
well Mike,what a charming invitation! Either accept your faith as beyond doubt or suffer the " consequences "!!
You sound like a christian zealot. By that I mean a number 1 on the Dawkins spectrum of probability on the existence of god. This means you subscribe to a 100% belief in he/she/ its existence. This I suggest is insupportable.
I, on the other hand, subscribe to point 6 on the spectrum, which states a very low probability, albeit less than zero.
There is a 7, which is inhabited by atheist zealots who know 100% that god doesn't exist i.e. just as unsuportable as your position.
I go no further, your god almost certainly doesn't exist, so no consequences follow on.