In this day and age the methods of religious indoctrination are varied but thankfully not very subtle... except to children.
As someone who was brought up religious I sometimes look back and remember the christian cartoons my teacher would put on. I thought nothing of them at the time, I would be grateful for them as it was a good twenty minutes I could be working instead.
On reflection I now realize that this was a method for the school to enforce their strange beliefs on childrens minds using the medium which children are most receptive to.
Looking back, what are your earliest memories of this process?
As someone who was brought up religious I sometimes look back and remember the christian cartoons my teacher would put on. I thought nothing of them at the time, I would be grateful for them as it was a good twenty minutes I could be working instead.
On reflection I now realize that this was a method for the school to enforce their strange beliefs on childrens minds using the medium which children are most receptive to.
Looking back, what are your earliest memories of this process?