Technically it may be true. "Sinful" is a contrived concept minted by the RCC to describe what their skydaddy finds offensive. There is no way to verify or falsify claims attributed to the Christian God.
The rape of children is just plain morally repugnant as any person can recognize. It isn't necessary to ask whether the God this priesthood claims to speak for finds it sinful, and clearly anything they say on the matter is compromised by an obvious conflict of interest. The fact that the church would volunteer this comparison suggests that their good faith has indeed been compromised.
The rape of children is just plain morally repugnant as any person can recognize. It isn't necessary to ask whether the God this priesthood claims to speak for finds it sinful, and clearly anything they say on the matter is compromised by an obvious conflict of interest. The fact that the church would volunteer this comparison suggests that their good faith has indeed been compromised.