I know this about the afterlife if it is a continuance of life it cannot be by definition an afterlife.
I like playing with conspiracy theories, it is a little foible of mine, I regularly get emails from an English woman in the US telling me about how David Icke is leading a Jewish conspiracy to overthrow the white race. So here is one I just made up, Is the bible like it is because rabid priests forced literate scribes to copy down their mad ravings. The scribes endeavouring to thwart the priests put in checkable facts and misuse of words so that an intelligent reader could see that it was false? Otherwise how could you explain the book contains so many of these things?
As for my knowledge of god, I made one once, it did not work.
I like playing with conspiracy theories, it is a little foible of mine, I regularly get emails from an English woman in the US telling me about how David Icke is leading a Jewish conspiracy to overthrow the white race. So here is one I just made up, Is the bible like it is because rabid priests forced literate scribes to copy down their mad ravings. The scribes endeavouring to thwart the priests put in checkable facts and misuse of words so that an intelligent reader could see that it was false? Otherwise how could you explain the book contains so many of these things?
As for my knowledge of god, I made one once, it did not work.