Intellectual laziness and fear. Most don't admit that they pick and choose. Most never do a Bart Ehrman-esque horizontal, critical study. I used to be that guy until I met a freethinker who challenged me: "Why do you believe what you believe?". I read the bible again, cover to cover then really dug in to it's history. By the time I started reading Ehrman, it was all falling apart.
My Christian friends who are dismayed by my leaving Christianity refuse to read the things I do out of fear. Some admit this to me...they tell me they HAVE TO BELIEVE these things. What a shame. They're not stupid, just afraid of admitting they were indoctrinated as youth and afraid of re-grinding the lens they see the world through.
My Christian friends who are dismayed by my leaving Christianity refuse to read the things I do out of fear. Some admit this to me...they tell me they HAVE TO BELIEVE these things. What a shame. They're not stupid, just afraid of admitting they were indoctrinated as youth and afraid of re-grinding the lens they see the world through.