(October 3, 2012 at 3:45 am)LiakosVikernes Wrote:
(October 3, 2012 at 2:02 am)Godschild Wrote: The greatest thing they know still is not God, did you really read what I stated, it seems that you did not by your response. Adam and Eve were created fully aware and knowing right from wrong, they had no learning curve to go through. Two year old children have miles to go, if mom and dad kicked them out of the house they could not survive. Adam and Eve were fully prepared to survive outside of the Garden.
How can you say they did not know the difference between right and wrong, not having the knowledge of good and evil does not necessarily say they did not know the difference between right and wrong. I thought the idea of the 2 year old child knowing right from wrong, yet not understanding good and evil was understood as a correct idea, related to Adam and Eve. Gen. 3:3 but God said, 'You shall not eat of the fruit of the tree that is in the midst of the garden,... Eve says this to the serpent, Gen 2:16... "You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, 17) but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die." This is the commandment from God. God gave this commandment to them and they understand there would be consequences if they did not obey, thus knowing the difference between right and wrong.
Lucifer did lie to them, they did die, Lucifer said they would not. Lucifer said they would be like God, they were punished by God, so how is it they were anything like God. God still lives they are dead, they come under God's judgement, God will never be judged by a superior being, they are sinners God is righteous, do I need to say more. Lucifer lied to them, working on their pride and they fell for his deception. As I said previously they died that every day, it was a spiritual death, the physical death came later.
God kicked them out of the Garden (sanctuary) and also punished (cursed) them for ruining the perfect creation, personally I believe they got off light, considering what God could have done.
God allowed Lucifer to tempt them because of love, like I said previously (are you sure you have read what I wrote) God wanted Adam and Eve to love Him through their obedience, that is to chose to obey His commandment over falling to Lucifer's deception. This is no different than what parents want from their children. Lucifer lost his love for God and all that goes with loving Him, and Lucifer wanted all of God's creation to suffer along with him.
(bolding added)
Ok, let's make this simpler, God will not associate with the sinful, does this clear up things. God's omnipresent, which means He can be in all places all the time if He chooses to.
God never changes and because He knew before creation what His plan was He has never changed anything. An omniscient being will have the perfect plan from the beginning, God has never been surprised by anything anyone has ever done.
You find the story hard to believe because an omniscient being foresaw the only plan for salvation that would satisfy His will. That does not make sense to me.
Now you're starting to state the sad questions of others, please can you do better than that. This is a tired old question most Christians are tired of answering. When Christ left heaven He gave up more than you or I could ever imagine. He lived in the glory of Heaven and was all powerful, when He left heaven He had to suffer through the same things sinful man did, Christ was perfect and did not deserve to suffer our lives. He also gave up all His powers, the miracles He did were through the Father's power. This analogy is not the best but should suffice, it would be like you giving up your life that you have now to live as an ant, your only purpose is to work to survive, no pleasures, no love, little if any rest, only a single minded purpose, work, work, work. Christ had to suffer death, when He should not had to, because of us, He should of never had to taste the horrors of death, especially the one he suffered. Christ's death was due to carrying all the burdens of our sins, our sinless God suffered a death that only we should have, we committed the crimes against God, and He has to pay for it so we can be redeemed. That's like a criminal going to court and found guilty and the judge has to do the time.
Here's another one of those old quotes that make no reasonable sense, first off Adam and Eve did not grow a conscience, they sinned against God through disobedience, they understood what they had done when they ate the fruit and became knowledgeable of good and evil, God found them hiding from Him, this should tell you how much they regretted what they did, and just like kids they tried to blame others for their mistake. God the Father did not want His Son to be a martyr, being a martyr necessarily includes terrible suffering, God would have much rather had His creation to stay perfect. Man screwed that up royally, and God's love allowed for that very thing. What a sad lot we are.
No one will ever suffer the death Christ did and only a foolish man would think so. Christ, as the man Jesus took all the sin past, present and future upon Himself, can you even imagine what that horror would be like, tell me what that kind of guilt would be like upon a person.
God did not need to kill those animals, He could have wiped Adam and Eve off the face of the earth. His love for them and future people is what brought this about, it is what had to happen. By the way poof, really, that sounds a bit childish. The sacrifice of the animals was a fore shadowing of what was to be, what had to be, the death of Christ to redeem man kind. Have you ever studied scriptures to find out what's in them or are you the follow the leader type and accept what ever any nonbeliever says whether it be true or not.
There were many more things I brought up why did you stick with the questions and quotes that most nonbelievers do, are you not interested in being your own person, making your own decisions. Are you only interested in discrediting God or are you looking for truths in life.
Next time post the entire Bible to clarify your point, even though no one actually cares, for what you say. You only prove what is written. If I have a dream one day of a Dragon that barks, and gather an entire army, to use violence so everyone accepts it as a fact, and then write it in a book, doesn't make my dream true. I do not understand what are you trying to establish in this forum, but all you are doing is correcting stories, what's the point?
The point is to prove you know nothing about scriptures, that's why you have no decent reply. I will use all the scripture I believe pertains to the subject, thank you very much.
God loves those who believe and those who do not and the same goes for me, you have no choice in this matter. That puts the matter of total free will to rest.