(October 31, 2012 at 2:56 pm)Drich Wrote: An example of Prayer:
Heavenly Father how Great and Gracious is your Holy Name. Lord I ask that Your will be done in my Life as it is in Heaven, More over I ask that you help me put down my selfish desire to look out for myself and get angery when things do not go my way. I ask that you break me of my want and desire of foolish things and that I can be made to serve with all that I am and alll that i have been given. Lord Change me, my life and my circumstances to allow me to make desisions that reflect your will and not my own. I ask that you take this selfish streak from me, and if i am not willing to freely give it rip it from me in whatever trial is needed to help me put this part of my life behind me. Lord I ask that you provided me/us with our daily needs whatever they be. I ask that you ONLY forgive me and my sins if I am able to forgive the sins of others. Hold me incontempt if I can not forgive those who have sinned against me. For I am not worthy to accept what Christ has offered me if I can not offer forgiveness in return. Lord, you know my weaknesses and know i am a weak will man. Bound to sin. Which is why I ask that you keep me from sin and protect me from evil. For it is in your Son's name I pray. Amen.
Wow - not even a single "please"? Seems kind of rude to be bossing god around like that. No wonder most of "his" answers are NO.
"If there are gaps they are in our knowledge, not in things themselves." Chapman Cohen
"Shit-apples don't fall far from the shit-tree, Randy." Mr. Lahey
"Shit-apples don't fall far from the shit-tree, Randy." Mr. Lahey