Eh. Everything I've been reading points to it being close but Obama holding enough of the states and enough margins in those states to hold onto a victory, albeit not one that was as big a landslide as 2008 was. Thing is not that many people have become disenfranchised with Obama. They definitely exist but a lot of the people who voted for him are going to do so again. The people who didn't aren't going to vote for him. That's just how it is. He hasn't really done as terrible a job as the screaming haters are saying he has. Anyone who pays a modest level of interest in politics [basically the independents] will realize that for all the supposedly "bad" things he has done, he's actually done far better. Those who voted just because he was black or a democrat are still gonna vote that way this year, and those who voted against him because of whatever contrived reasons they can think up are still gonna vote against him, but those who voted for the issues and who pay attention to politics at a deeper level than just the media-company sound-bites aren't going to vote in favor of Romney. Even the most rudimentary research on what Romney has done to Massachusetts turns me off from him. The republicans love to tout how he put the state "back in black." They fail to mention that this was done by tearing apart their education system and with that ridiculous Romneycare thing which is what the more soft-headed Republicans accuse Obamacare of being when in fact they're two very different systems [Romneycare is what they're railing AGAINST and Obamacare is what they claim to want...but they have the names backwards]. That whole $400 fine thing for not having your own healthcare plan? That's not Obamacare. That's Romneycare and he's been accusing Obamacare of being that. The man is a masterful manipulator of words and political situations; he can make what seems like a good thing be a bad thing and a bad thing be a good thing. Anyone with half a brain can look at the voucher program for medicare that he's touting and see what a fucking nightmare and what a fucking un-American program it is with, again, all of maybe fifteen minutes of reading.
Reading is a wonderful thing. Well, that and common sense.
So, yes, if Obama loses I'll be quite [unpleasantly] surprised.
Reading is a wonderful thing. Well, that and common sense.
So, yes, if Obama loses I'll be quite [unpleasantly] surprised.