Why do people go to movies knowing they are going to end? Why do people watch sporting events knowing their team might win or lose and know whatever happens the game still ends?
There is no grand purpose to all this. And both good and bad always happen to some degree in everyone's life. That does not mean you cannot enjoy the finite life you have.
One can only be happy with themselves and make their own purpose. You are still going to have ups and downs in life, but you cannot be a clone of someone else, you can only be yourself in life.
There is no difference between an atheist or theist other than we don't believe. But we still find meaning and happiness and go through the same ups and downs. What drives the atheist to live without god?
My mother, my job, my pets, my friends and other things like debating and ranting here. My Redskins, even though they lost. It is still fun for my friend from Australia who doesn't like football, loves to listen to me rant at the tv like watching a train wreck when they lose.
I love telling really horrible jokes at work that make people think "SOMEBODY PLEASE SHOOT HIM!" "MAKE IT STOP"
I love simple things, even to the extent of my cat curling up next to me at night and annoying in the morning when he wants to eat.
My ride will end someday but I am not going to be scared of something that cant be stopped. I am simply going to be myself, and take the ups and downs as they come and enjoy life as much as I can, not according to the scripts of others, but enjoy it where I find enjoyment.
There is no grand purpose to all this. And both good and bad always happen to some degree in everyone's life. That does not mean you cannot enjoy the finite life you have.
One can only be happy with themselves and make their own purpose. You are still going to have ups and downs in life, but you cannot be a clone of someone else, you can only be yourself in life.
There is no difference between an atheist or theist other than we don't believe. But we still find meaning and happiness and go through the same ups and downs. What drives the atheist to live without god?
My mother, my job, my pets, my friends and other things like debating and ranting here. My Redskins, even though they lost. It is still fun for my friend from Australia who doesn't like football, loves to listen to me rant at the tv like watching a train wreck when they lose.
I love telling really horrible jokes at work that make people think "SOMEBODY PLEASE SHOOT HIM!" "MAKE IT STOP"
I love simple things, even to the extent of my cat curling up next to me at night and annoying in the morning when he wants to eat.
My ride will end someday but I am not going to be scared of something that cant be stopped. I am simply going to be myself, and take the ups and downs as they come and enjoy life as much as I can, not according to the scripts of others, but enjoy it where I find enjoyment.