Is it any hint that Nordic countries (especially Sweden) are trying to push through pro-market legislation? I think Sweden has finally realized something: the majority of their wealth was created when they were a free market country and the bloated public sector which has come as a result of their transformation to Socialism has reduced that wealth, raised taxes, and lowered the wages of government employees like teachers. Ron Paul actually gained quite a following in Sweden during the primaries. And in many other countries.
I march against the Asagods
To bring the end of time.
I am pure and endless pain
And Surtr is my name.
See me rise, the mighty Surt,
Destroyer of the universe.
Bringer of flames and endless hurt
Scorcher of men and Earth.
To bring the end of time.
I am pure and endless pain
And Surtr is my name.
See me rise, the mighty Surt,
Destroyer of the universe.
Bringer of flames and endless hurt
Scorcher of men and Earth.