To be fair the Greek goverment caused much of it`s shit by beeing uterly corrupt, not collecting almoust any taxmoney and giving really massive hand outs.
They also cooked their books to hide their real dept from the european central bank.
But guess who helped them cook their books? Goldman Sachs.
Italy under Berlosconi was just taxcut after taxcut after taxcut.
Spain made investments nto useless inferstructure projects, but the biggest amount of spanish debt was aquired through a housing bubble created by the wonderfull world of the free financial market.
They also cooked their books to hide their real dept from the european central bank.
But guess who helped them cook their books? Goldman Sachs.
Italy under Berlosconi was just taxcut after taxcut after taxcut.
Spain made investments nto useless inferstructure projects, but the biggest amount of spanish debt was aquired through a housing bubble created by the wonderfull world of the free financial market.