Hi Creed Of Heresy,
The Catholic Church or this particular Hospital has not compromised its religious doctrine to win a lawsuit.
The article you quote doesn't even said they did - it said the Church "appeared to do so". (The use of such language should be a dead giveaway to any thinking person).
I.e. they know the doctrine didn't change, but hey lets print a nonsense story anyway, because biased people - who don't really care for facts - will lap it up without thought, to glibly affirm their own negative views of Catholicism.
The story is about someone who has filed a wrongful death lawsuit because their unborn children died in a Catholic hospital.
Wrongful death lawsuits apply to the wrongful death of people.
However, the secular law says that an unborn child is not a person.
When abortion was legalised. (Roe V Wade), it was justified in law by saying that - although a new human being is created when a human egg is fertilised, this new human being is not a person (and therefore it is OK to kill it).
The Hospitals defence is simply pointing out that a court of law which says an unborn child is not a person, cannot then convict the Hospital on grounds that it is.
It is not changing its own position, it is asking the court to apply its law consistently - which is only fair.
I would definitely advise looking past media headlines, to get to the facts of the matter.
You seem to have accepted a rather biased story out-of-hand, without thought, in a gleeful rush to criticise the Catholic Church.
All media sources with their own agenda, but you tend to find stories regarding the Catholic Church are often lurid gossip dressed up as journalism (as in this case) because there is undoubtedly a market for such.
When I see people lap up stories like this, I sometimes wonder how much thought they have put into their atheism!
Take it easy mate!
The Catholic Church or this particular Hospital has not compromised its religious doctrine to win a lawsuit.
The article you quote doesn't even said they did - it said the Church "appeared to do so". (The use of such language should be a dead giveaway to any thinking person).
I.e. they know the doctrine didn't change, but hey lets print a nonsense story anyway, because biased people - who don't really care for facts - will lap it up without thought, to glibly affirm their own negative views of Catholicism.
The story is about someone who has filed a wrongful death lawsuit because their unborn children died in a Catholic hospital.
Wrongful death lawsuits apply to the wrongful death of people.
However, the secular law says that an unborn child is not a person.
When abortion was legalised. (Roe V Wade), it was justified in law by saying that - although a new human being is created when a human egg is fertilised, this new human being is not a person (and therefore it is OK to kill it).
The Hospitals defence is simply pointing out that a court of law which says an unborn child is not a person, cannot then convict the Hospital on grounds that it is.
It is not changing its own position, it is asking the court to apply its law consistently - which is only fair.
Creed of Heres Wrote:But really...are any of us surprised at this? No. No we aren't, are we?
I would definitely advise looking past media headlines, to get to the facts of the matter.
You seem to have accepted a rather biased story out-of-hand, without thought, in a gleeful rush to criticise the Catholic Church.
All media sources with their own agenda, but you tend to find stories regarding the Catholic Church are often lurid gossip dressed up as journalism (as in this case) because there is undoubtedly a market for such.
When I see people lap up stories like this, I sometimes wonder how much thought they have put into their atheism!

Take it easy mate!