I saw the links. Here's what you need to do, copy and paste some relevant excepts from the links and argue what it means to you particularly if its a theory you subscribe to.
Its self evident but we can get back into that when I re-introduce the fine tuning fact.
A lot of atheists say we should look for the simpler naturalistic explanation for things such as life and sentience and we should avoid claiming a miracle happened. But which scenario is really less miraculous, that the universe, life and sentience is the result of plan and design or the result of mindless forces that didn't intend such to occur but happened anyway? Lets compare it to the existence of a computer, would it be less miraculous to say a computer is the result of design and engineering or it was the unintended by product of the laws of physics that unintentionally created a computer? Before anyone blows a gasket I know in response you're going to say its an unfair comparison because we know a computer was designed and engineered. The point is in trying to avoid the supernatural miracle of a Creator causing the existence of life and sentience it would seem a greater miracle is being called for by claiming that mindless, lifeless forces without plan or intent caused something greater than itself to exist. Is anyone going to argue that sentience and mind isn't greater than the source it is alleged to have come from?
You really think if we we're arguing this case before a hundred impartial people who are not committed theists or atheists that simply going to your rolodex of atheists 101 sound bites and replying argument from personal incredulity is going to persuade anyone?
[in-kri-doo-li-tee, -dyoo-] Show IPA
the quality or state of being incredulous; inability or unwillingness to believe.
disbelief, skepticism, doubt.
Notice the synonyms are disbelief, skepticism and doubt and evidently what I lack is what atheists have in the ability of mindless, lifeless forces to produce life and mind is faith, can I hear an amen from the atheists in here? You've got to have faith brother to believe in the church of mindless forces. To question it is to have doubt which is a lack of faith which in the faith of atheism is a sin. You can question the existence of God all you want but how dare you question the prowress of mindless lifeless forces to create life and mind, those forces are our God and Creator and anyone who questions your faith or asks for evidence that mindless forces could do such is a heretic and a doubter and we can't have skeptics or doubters in the church of atheism. Can I get some amens from the atheists out there?
The problem with so called skeptics is they are only skeptical of the things they don't believe are true. But the things they think are true they swallow hook line and sinker without a hint of skepticism or a modicum of critical (or least of all) free thinking.
Quote:Hey Drew, did you miss the part where I linked you out to a couple of sources describing the theoretical underpinnings of the multiple worlds hypothesis? Or are you just disregarding that because it contradicts this idea that the alternative theories we've been presenting are mere confabulations?
I saw the links. Here's what you need to do, copy and paste some relevant excepts from the links and argue what it means to you particularly if its a theory you subscribe to.
Quote:Incidentally, where's your evidence for your design/chance dichotomy?
Its self evident but we can get back into that when I re-introduce the fine tuning fact.
A lot of atheists say we should look for the simpler naturalistic explanation for things such as life and sentience and we should avoid claiming a miracle happened. But which scenario is really less miraculous, that the universe, life and sentience is the result of plan and design or the result of mindless forces that didn't intend such to occur but happened anyway? Lets compare it to the existence of a computer, would it be less miraculous to say a computer is the result of design and engineering or it was the unintended by product of the laws of physics that unintentionally created a computer? Before anyone blows a gasket I know in response you're going to say its an unfair comparison because we know a computer was designed and engineered. The point is in trying to avoid the supernatural miracle of a Creator causing the existence of life and sentience it would seem a greater miracle is being called for by claiming that mindless, lifeless forces without plan or intent caused something greater than itself to exist. Is anyone going to argue that sentience and mind isn't greater than the source it is alleged to have come from?
Quote:And your third line of evidence is...
The argument from personal incredulity!
You really think if we we're arguing this case before a hundred impartial people who are not committed theists or atheists that simply going to your rolodex of atheists 101 sound bites and replying argument from personal incredulity is going to persuade anyone?
[in-kri-doo-li-tee, -dyoo-] Show IPA
the quality or state of being incredulous; inability or unwillingness to believe.
disbelief, skepticism, doubt.
Notice the synonyms are disbelief, skepticism and doubt and evidently what I lack is what atheists have in the ability of mindless, lifeless forces to produce life and mind is faith, can I hear an amen from the atheists in here? You've got to have faith brother to believe in the church of mindless forces. To question it is to have doubt which is a lack of faith which in the faith of atheism is a sin. You can question the existence of God all you want but how dare you question the prowress of mindless lifeless forces to create life and mind, those forces are our God and Creator and anyone who questions your faith or asks for evidence that mindless forces could do such is a heretic and a doubter and we can't have skeptics or doubters in the church of atheism. Can I get some amens from the atheists out there?
The problem with so called skeptics is they are only skeptical of the things they don't believe are true. But the things they think are true they swallow hook line and sinker without a hint of skepticism or a modicum of critical (or least of all) free thinking.