(March 16, 2013 at 1:34 pm)apophenia Wrote: I don't know, Germans. Sounds pretty racist to me.
Racist would be if I would call them out for being uncapable to modernise. Or uncapable to modernise by themselves.
Quote:I'm not suggesting that Muslims aren't a problem. IRA members who plant bombs are equally a problem. But you don't recommend shipping the Irish back home.
Bad example
Because most of them planted their bombs at home.
Quote:You're conflating the problems of nations and international politics with those of individuals and immigration.
Why not? Sociaty is not a stiff alignment of segments in which non of these segments interact. A sociaty is like a woven carpet in motion - in which every aspect is influenced by another.
And my thesis is as following: The Islamic culture in the current Islamic world, caused throught all factores dominant in shaping the sociaties and cultures - does not fit together with modern western principles.
And those who believe they can import these to a western country - should get kicked out!
In alot of european countries, the formation of organisations which are dedicated to overthrow democracy and the rule of law is a punishable offence. Neo fascists aswell as communists therefor often find themselves in prison - this should be extended to islamists.
Quote:You don't like the views of Muslims and some Muslim immigrants, so instead of using the tools of politics, law, and social discourse, which are the accepted tools of any pluralistic society, you want to use immigration policy to enforce your political views. That's a cheap, effective solution, but it also makes you as unpluralistic and anti-democratic as they are. Just because evil doesn't wear a turban doesn't make it any less evil.
In order to participate in a pluralistic sociaty, one must accept that pluralism , and become part of it - by respecting the existance of others and the moral values and laws which guarantee the participation of veryone within a pluralistic sociaty.
If one does not do so, it is justifyable to use juristicial methods to exclude these from pluralism - who would use it to abolish it.
Especialy considering 20th century european history - I think it is a right move to take.
Quote:Here in America, there is hatred and resentment of Mexicans. So people want to close the borders and send any undocumenteds back to Mexico. It's the same deal. People want to deal with their unease with accommodating people who are different than they are by using immigration policy and inflammatory racist rhetoric.
Not the same thing.
Mexicans dont hold deep disregard for pluralism and democracy.
Quote:Playing the race card is not wrong if racism is being used to support indefensible policies. And playing the "you're just playing the race card" card has become a convenient way for racists to stifle criticism of their racism. Fuck you.
Being offended of cultural "values" formed under the strong influence of a religion - is not racist.
Seeking to inable people who would abolish democracy - is not racist.