Quote:But when you try to expand that to a universal scale, all of a sudden you lose that point of contrast. Now, nothing is naturally occurring, and everything is designed. A much more accurate analogy would be that you find a laptop, in a universe made of laptops, on a planet solely composed of laptops, and you yourself are a laptop. How could you possibly determine design when everything around you and everything you could possibly know is likewise? You haven't reduced the chances of naturalistic, godless creation at all.
Just assuming the universe is by design doesn't mean every aspect is completely totally controlled and that no random interaction occurs. When we build and design things, we build them to within a certain tolerance to produce a specific result. We don't create them to within exact tolerance.
Maybe it was an orange that turned into a laptop and you would say its still an orange in the form of a laptop. Or maybe it materialized from a corridor to an alternate universe where only laptops always existed.
Quote:How is it you can imagine terms outside of your false dichotomy now, but when I do it somehow it's invalid? It's the same fucking principle.
I was being facetious when I wrote that.
Quote:Any alternate theory is valid in an argument with a guy who's insisting that only two theories are possible when that's blatantly not true. And notably, I gave you evidence for the alternate theories I provided, whether you bothered to read it or not. It's there, and it's present. Stop outright lying in order to make your position look better.
I'll let any reasonable person decide if the universe is the result of plan and design or the result of mindless forces that didn't plan or intend the result. If you want to argue some other possibility then site your evidence and make your case.