Quote:Is that code for "I can't support my position"...? I assumed, what with you taking the time (at least) to write out a summary of what you found compelling about others arguments from design that you might appreciate the usefulness of feedback from someone who disagrees. Refine your approach, trim the fat - so to speak.
It is useful to get into the mindset of the atheist and I do check to see if atheists have any new arguments but in Serlingese I'm not submitting my case for their approval. Most atheists I have met are hard core believers, advocates and apologists for atheism. For all the arrogance of atheists who act as if it's obvious from the facts that God doesn't exist and that we owe our existence to natural forces that didn't plan or intend our existence the fact is they have precious little in the way of facts or evidence to support that conclusion. Most won't even try, instead they go for the atheism is a lack of belief dodge and the burden of evidence rests with the theist. That rhetoric is fine on an atheist board but if we we're debating this issue before a group of impartial people not committed to either point of view, that rhertoric isn't going anywhere. Why would they be persuaded that God doesn't exist from people who at best only lack such belief? The rest of the atheists case is built upon nebulous theories they often don't believe themselves but offer up as counter possibilities to explain away the facts that do support the case of theism.
I have already been going at this for 25 pages and have made my case from 5 lines of evidence. Your coming late to the party. Some of my other adversaries have apparently bailed from this debate, that's fine, if you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen. At this point I am working on my 'closing argument' then I will wrap things up and you guys can go back to reassuring each other there's no evidence in favor of theism.