(May 19, 2013 at 1:37 pm)ChadWooters Wrote:(May 19, 2013 at 11:39 am)Raven Wrote: So, according to you it would be better if all the unborn kids got aborted because then they would be guaranteed a place in heaven. So what is with all the "Right to Life" crap?If I may...one consistent theme of the Scriptures is that God can take human evil and turn it into good. For example, Joseph was betrayed by his brothers and sold into slavery. Yet, God took that the evil done to Joseph and he became adviser to the Pharaoh. Angels raise infants and the unborn in Heaven as compensation for the evil done to them on earth. Their state is most blessed. So is it better to have been murdered in the womb? I do not know. But I do know that Paul warns us not to sin just so that Grace can be more abundant. And when we do evil we defy Providence. We cannot know what good God hoped for the child on earth, how he or she could have served for His glory. If we justify to ourselves that abortion is somehow a win/win, then we arrogate unto ourselves the planning that belongs to God.
(May 19, 2013 at 12:49 pm)missluckie26 Wrote: ...one woman who actually died for you is in eternal torment for a finite crime.Yes Godschild, they cannot seem to grasp the concept of people clinging to their sin and thereby preventing themselves from enjoying the blessings of Heaven. For those who still cannot get it, think of the Monkey Trap. It's a box with a hole in the side and an apple inside. The hole is big enough for the monkey to slip in his empty hand. But the hole is too small for him to remove his hand while holding the apple. The trapper comes along and captures the monkey, because the monkey was too greedy to let go of the apple and escape. Hell is a monkey trap, you cannot escape if you are unwilling to let go of your sin.
Swedenborg describes hell in great detail. Since he presents his accounts in 18th century language, I've updated it for modern sensibilities. You can find all the sinful pleasures of earth in hell, just without any of the good that mitigates its filth and hurt on earth.
Hell is filled with beer volcanoes and rave parties where gloutenous slobs and cheap tramps dance naked in a thick stiffling haze of second-hand smoke. Drunkards stumble through the street pissing and vomiting. Your buddies leave you in the street and write insults on your face with permanent marker. Cum-soaked whores fuck till their cunts are nothing but painful raw sores. Sweaty bathhouses are crowded with sodomites. Players gag willing sluts with their cocks and ass-rape them when they pass out. Everyone lies to each other to get what they want. Slick studs make promises to protect you but discard you to rape gangs. Elegant ladies take you home only to rob you while you sleep. The streets are filled with shit, piss, cum, vomit, the maggoty bones of discarded buffalo wings.
So hell is where sinners go because they love nothing more than indulging themselves at the expense of everyone around them. And they cannot stop. They deny that God is good and despise the angles. The trample what is pure and mock what is holy. Why would such people even want to go to heaven?
Right, so Swedeborg made that up, and...

You are currently experiencing a lucky and very brief window of awareness, sandwiched in between two periods of timeless and utter nothingness. So why not make the most of it, and stop wasting your life away trying to convince other people that there is something else? The reality is obvious.