ChadWooters Wrote: Hell is filled with beer volcanoes and rave parties where gloutenous slobs and cheap tramps dance naked in a thick stiffling haze of second-hand smoke. Drunkards stumble through the street pissing and vomiting. Your buddies leave you in the street and write insults on your face with permanent marker. Cum-soaked whores fuck till their cunts are nothing but painful raw sores. Sweaty bathhouses are crowded with sodomites. Players gag willing sluts with their cocks and ass-rape them when they pass out. Everyone lies to each other to get what they want. Slick studs make promises to protect you but discard you to rape gangs. Elegant ladies take you home only to rob you while you sleep. The streets are filled with shit, piss, cum, vomit, the maggoty bones of discarded buffalo wings.
As if I didn't have enough reason to be an atheist already! You had me sold on beer volcanoes. Lose the creepy rape stuff though.
Look, if this version of hell is only lacking the presence of the "holiness" of the god of the Bible, you can count me all in. The monster Yahweh has committed atrocities in that book that dictators only dream of, so why should I tolerate him being in my presence? I'll take my beers and raves, thank you.