The "god" is eternal - has no beginning and no end - in Xtianity
So - the god CANNOT DIE - that is just one of the MAJOR conflicts in the XTIAN nonsense.
The claim that the god became man is nonsense - just as much as the idea that the god can actually exist - which it cannot as described. There are too many conflicting attributes to exist
In fact - the "god" (THere is only one god in xtianity) did not actually become man - even in their fairy tales - only the "son" part became man.
If the ONE god actually became man - and died - there would be no power to raise him from the dead - man does not possess that power. THAT alone prevents the claim that the god became man.
Of course - why would a god NEED to die to begin with - there was NO reason. IF - as the bible claims - we are only responsible for our OWN sins - and NOT those of our fathers or others - then the only "person" who needed saving from original sin was the EVE myth - whose story IS proven to be a fairy tale now.
As far as the "son" part becoming man - that story has TOO many holes in it to be true. THE stories include things like miracles - things BEYOND the ability of a real human. THey also include things like a virgin birth - which of course does not actually happen in humans as well. And of course - the christ myth also cannot fulfill the prophecies for the mesiah that are right in the bible. THe claim of a new covenant - means that the word of god cannot be trusted - he will not fulfill his word - which is a major problem for the jews - since they believe that their god's word is good for all eternity.
So - the god CANNOT DIE - that is just one of the MAJOR conflicts in the XTIAN nonsense.
The claim that the god became man is nonsense - just as much as the idea that the god can actually exist - which it cannot as described. There are too many conflicting attributes to exist
In fact - the "god" (THere is only one god in xtianity) did not actually become man - even in their fairy tales - only the "son" part became man.
If the ONE god actually became man - and died - there would be no power to raise him from the dead - man does not possess that power. THAT alone prevents the claim that the god became man.
Of course - why would a god NEED to die to begin with - there was NO reason. IF - as the bible claims - we are only responsible for our OWN sins - and NOT those of our fathers or others - then the only "person" who needed saving from original sin was the EVE myth - whose story IS proven to be a fairy tale now.
As far as the "son" part becoming man - that story has TOO many holes in it to be true. THE stories include things like miracles - things BEYOND the ability of a real human. THey also include things like a virgin birth - which of course does not actually happen in humans as well. And of course - the christ myth also cannot fulfill the prophecies for the mesiah that are right in the bible. THe claim of a new covenant - means that the word of god cannot be trusted - he will not fulfill his word - which is a major problem for the jews - since they believe that their god's word is good for all eternity.