Josephus is a 4th century forgery. No xtian writer mentions it prior even Origen who in spite of making specific reference to Book XVIII of Antiquities of the Jews knows nothing about the TF but who specifically states that "This writer" (Josephus) "did not believe in Jesus as the Christ" which sort of flies in the face of your pious forgery.
Tacitus is another work not quoted by anyone, xtian or otherwise, until centuries later. But, even if it is authentic, it does not mention any "jesus." "Jesus" seems to be a later development in your story.
Like Tacitus - Lucian of Samosata knows nothing of any jesus. Obviously, that part of the story had not been written yet c 160 but by 180 when Celsus wrote early xtians had invented "jesus."
Yes, I have one question.
What kind of double-digit IQ moron believes in fucking miracles just because the pervert parade that is the catholic church says so?
Tacitus is another work not quoted by anyone, xtian or otherwise, until centuries later. But, even if it is authentic, it does not mention any "jesus." "Jesus" seems to be a later development in your story.
Like Tacitus - Lucian of Samosata knows nothing of any jesus. Obviously, that part of the story had not been written yet c 160 but by 180 when Celsus wrote early xtians had invented "jesus."
Yes, I have one question.
What kind of double-digit IQ moron believes in fucking miracles just because the pervert parade that is the catholic church says so?