I've been there, and I'm still here.
Copenhagen was a fraud and a joke. We are facing a pollution crises, and Al Gores war on Carbon has been brought into the light. It seems that it is an idea proposed years ago by Kenneth Lay to create not only a new futures and derivatives market, but a global tax. It has nothing to do with solving the pollution crises, just with getting rich, which is the last thing we need.
I mean, as Copenhagen is going on Al Gore is getting laughed out of the debate by the other side of the argument. Climategate did not help, and then they finally got him to admit that his data is incorrect, that temp does not necessarily follow carbon level, but the carbon level could follow temp... Se he loses his Academy award. Al Gore is a fraud, and that is an inconvenient truth for some psuedo environmentalists that signed on to help the President in Exile. But Copenhagen still went on, and they were all "We need to do something NOW, not something useful or well thought out, just act as irrationally and quickly as possible,".
And now they have invented a new mindfuck, I have become a Climate Denier. Beautiful, that's worse than holocaust denial, because how can I deny the climate that I live in? But it is rhetoric, I do not deny there is a climate. I deny that Al Gores and friends swear jar is the last solution we need. They didn't mention anything about cutting down less trees. Would that fix the supposed carbon problem? It gets to me, because I have been an environmentalist for years, long before Gores shitty little movie. And I have been trying, but people can't do very good causal thinking, so they don't see that they are destroying this rock we all live on. Then Gore thinks up a new way to bullshit people ane make money, and all these new environmentalists come one board. Now it has been shifted so that I am some anti-environmentalist because I won't support this hypocrisy.
Stupid Copenhagen. Stupid people. It is far to late to do anything now, and it's more of the same form the politicians...
Copenhagen was a fraud and a joke. We are facing a pollution crises, and Al Gores war on Carbon has been brought into the light. It seems that it is an idea proposed years ago by Kenneth Lay to create not only a new futures and derivatives market, but a global tax. It has nothing to do with solving the pollution crises, just with getting rich, which is the last thing we need.
I mean, as Copenhagen is going on Al Gore is getting laughed out of the debate by the other side of the argument. Climategate did not help, and then they finally got him to admit that his data is incorrect, that temp does not necessarily follow carbon level, but the carbon level could follow temp... Se he loses his Academy award. Al Gore is a fraud, and that is an inconvenient truth for some psuedo environmentalists that signed on to help the President in Exile. But Copenhagen still went on, and they were all "We need to do something NOW, not something useful or well thought out, just act as irrationally and quickly as possible,".
And now they have invented a new mindfuck, I have become a Climate Denier. Beautiful, that's worse than holocaust denial, because how can I deny the climate that I live in? But it is rhetoric, I do not deny there is a climate. I deny that Al Gores and friends swear jar is the last solution we need. They didn't mention anything about cutting down less trees. Would that fix the supposed carbon problem? It gets to me, because I have been an environmentalist for years, long before Gores shitty little movie. And I have been trying, but people can't do very good causal thinking, so they don't see that they are destroying this rock we all live on. Then Gore thinks up a new way to bullshit people ane make money, and all these new environmentalists come one board. Now it has been shifted so that I am some anti-environmentalist because I won't support this hypocrisy.
Stupid Copenhagen. Stupid people. It is far to late to do anything now, and it's more of the same form the politicians...