(June 26, 2013 at 12:35 pm)pineapplebunnybounce Wrote:Quote:Years ago you would be the guy saying I am sheltering my children because I am not giving them the proper education on Flat-Earth geology. Look, Science is flawed because it is performed by men. I shouldn't have to expose my children to such things if I choose not to. The Bible has a pretty solid track record, whether you believe it or not.
Some examples for this solid track record please. And quote me a textbook that says science is perfect.
it's like saying humans can never build a flying machine because it's flawed, let's not even try. But look we have planes now. They're flawed. Does that mean we shouldn't acknowledge the things they can do? do you not use soap? modern medicine? or do you pray when you get sick? should your children not have the option of going into the field of medicine if they so wish in the future? Because they won't be able to if they don't learn basic science when they're young, however flawed that is.
I am not bashing Science, just pointing out that to Atheist Science is the Holy of Holies. I like Science a lot, just not Scientism. In fact, I am an Engineering student, which involves a lot of applied Science, and my goal is Medical school. So, you are preaching to the choir. No pun intended lol.