My atheism began around the age of 9 or 10 when I asked my mother if I'd spend eternity in heaven if I behaved. She said yes and I cried. The idea of immortality was scary to me. Eternity would mean that when I existed in heaven for longer than I could even imagine, I'd still have forever in front of me. Forever. I came downstais crying on several occasions whilst thinking about this. Christianity was all I knew though- I was convinced that there were no alternatives.
Then came Religious Education lessons in high school. After learning about the huge amount of religions and how all religious people believe that theirs is true, I came to the conclusion that they're probably all equally garbage. Including christianity.
So I rejected religion because I didn't want to believe in it (not good reasoning).
Then came the internet. I learned and learned and learned, and now see that atheism is not only the least traumatising option, but the most logical too (emphisis on logical- I don't base my arguments on emotion anymore).
Unless you wanted the short answer.
Why are you an atheist? Because it is the logical choice.
Then came Religious Education lessons in high school. After learning about the huge amount of religions and how all religious people believe that theirs is true, I came to the conclusion that they're probably all equally garbage. Including christianity.
So I rejected religion because I didn't want to believe in it (not good reasoning).
Then came the internet. I learned and learned and learned, and now see that atheism is not only the least traumatising option, but the most logical too (emphisis on logical- I don't base my arguments on emotion anymore).
Unless you wanted the short answer.
Why are you an atheist? Because it is the logical choice.