Quote:First, women are more devout because they have to be. Women’s religiosity is directly related to economic security. The lack of a social safety net means that women, who are still responsible for the bulk of elder and child care, often need to rely on religious organizations to support themselves and their families.
I started calling "Bullshit!" right here and immediately lost interest in reading any further. The writer clearly makes unfounded presuppositions. Women are not fucking helpless little dolls that without a rich husband cannot fend for themselves, and in fact given how many single mothers there are out there powering on and doing what they do and succeeding at it, I'd say that a woman left to fend for herself will do just as well as a man left to do the exact same thing.
Then I read this.
Quote:Second, sexism is real and has an effect on women’s participation and leadership within the atheist community. Rape jokes and sexual harassment, as penalties and tools to silence women, exist in atheist and secular groups as well as religious ones.
Who the fuck wrote this, Atheism+?? Atheist groups? What fucking atheist groups? Writer does not cite sources, so I'm going to assume this is also a presupposition. Secular organizations? Well, there's American Atheists, and in my time with them I sure as fuck haven't seen much, if any, sexual harassment (and then it was done in mutual jest as opposed to creepy advances and the other saying "no"), and I sure as FUCK don't see rape jokes in atheist groups as much as I do in ones that are largely comprised of religious or semi/pseudo-religious groups. If by secular the poster means like Xbox Live or internet gaming, yeah, sure, because there are terms that exist involving "rape" typically meaning the unmitigated annihilation of opposition, but that's a fucking gaming community. SOURCES OR IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
Quote:Third, men of all ideological persuasions are overrepresented in media — why should atheists be any different? There are prominent, activist secular and atheist women in the United States.
Yes. We're over-represented. That's why there's dozens of shows out there that are expressly focused on female protagonists, right? Weeds is the first show that pops into my mind but there are others. But since the writer provides no sources other than conjecture, then I will provide no further sources and instead conjecture that the writer is a butt-hurt feminazi who is just mad that her attempts to sell novels have come up short because she's a dreadful writer with a terrible grasp on the technical usage of the English language, which this article clearly demonstrates.
I didn't read any more. This article is full of whiny, unfounded, hysterical "THE UTERUS IS BEING OPPRESSED" shrieking and in many cases merely puts women down rather than empowers them. It bitches and moans and pisses about and cries about the plight of women in atheism but doesn't actually make any suggestions. It paints women as inferior and being PUT DOWN BY THE MAA-YUUUN without providing any examples, and provides NO solutions or answers other than to bitch and whine.
That's the article, really. Bitching and whining and sobbing and bitching some more. Claiming to elucidate wrongs being made and then doing nothing to even SUGGEST possible means of solving those issues is just whining. Cry me a fucking river.
Now I feel the urge to go finding links on these problems from articles that actually posit solutions, just to show the writer how it's done.