The studies seem to raise rather more questions than they answer for me. I would ask the following (bearing in mind that I do not live in the US):
In comparing a poor white person with a poor black person are you more likely to be suspected of a crime if you are black?
Are you more likely to be accused of a crime if you are black?
Are you more likely to be convicted of a crime if you are black?
Are you more likely to receive a harsher sentence for a crime if you are black?
At the same time we would have to ask if any or all of the above hold true are you more likely to commit a crime if you are always the default suspect anyway?
Finally, in other countries with black minority populations how do the crime figures compare with the US?
Turning to the IQ question:
What impact does skin colour have on the quality of education you might expect to receive in the US?
Are there cultural biases in the IQ test itself?
Is an IQ test actually much of an indicator of suitability for any given rule in society?
Just to expand on the above a little I am not aware of any major contribution to humanity made by Mensa to date - an organisation that bases entry purely on the basis of performance in an IQ test.
At the same time I am struck by the fact that racial profiling is always in the negative when it comes from racists in reference to their chosen hate group. For example I rarely see reference to that fact that the highest scoring group on your precious IQ tests are Jews, or that Jews have won a massively disproportionate number of Nobel prizes. Further there is no reference made to that fact that black people appear to massively dominate track and field events, or the NBA, American football, the popular music industry......
In comparing a poor white person with a poor black person are you more likely to be suspected of a crime if you are black?
Are you more likely to be accused of a crime if you are black?
Are you more likely to be convicted of a crime if you are black?
Are you more likely to receive a harsher sentence for a crime if you are black?
At the same time we would have to ask if any or all of the above hold true are you more likely to commit a crime if you are always the default suspect anyway?
Finally, in other countries with black minority populations how do the crime figures compare with the US?
Turning to the IQ question:
What impact does skin colour have on the quality of education you might expect to receive in the US?
Are there cultural biases in the IQ test itself?
Is an IQ test actually much of an indicator of suitability for any given rule in society?
Just to expand on the above a little I am not aware of any major contribution to humanity made by Mensa to date - an organisation that bases entry purely on the basis of performance in an IQ test.
At the same time I am struck by the fact that racial profiling is always in the negative when it comes from racists in reference to their chosen hate group. For example I rarely see reference to that fact that the highest scoring group on your precious IQ tests are Jews, or that Jews have won a massively disproportionate number of Nobel prizes. Further there is no reference made to that fact that black people appear to massively dominate track and field events, or the NBA, American football, the popular music industry......