(September 5, 2013 at 12:07 pm)Drich Wrote: No one really knows when or what order the books were written. What I am saying is that the Gospels are the personal accounts of Matthew and John both a Deciples/Apstoles of Christ, Mark a deciple of Peter, and Luke a deciple of Paul. http://orthodoxwiki.org/Apostle_Luke
Funny, given it seems rather commonplace for historians a Biblical critics (ex: Bart Ehrman) to say that it is generally agreed that Mark's Gospel was written first (of course, not by Mark himself). In fact, your claim that any of the Gospels were written by their titular namesakes is silly, and if I recall correctly, explicitly denied in the introduction to Luke's Gospel.
Further, we know that the Gospel's themselves have known interpolations added later, with perhaps the largest being the ending of Mark.
Quote:Paul did not write an gospel because he taught the gospel with the authority that only an apstole of Christ has. What Paul taught was what seeded his church and what ultimatly his deciples taught. In short, Luke's written account was Paul's gospel. Where else would a gentile doctor get the information he penned down in his Gospel account 20 years after the fact?
Are you saying Paul met Jesus of Nazareth? Have you read your own Bible?
Quote:The reason these works ALL came after the fact is because people back then did not prize the written word as they do today. A man's verbal word was his bond. In a soceity where there is less than a 10% literacy rate, the written word becomes a shady way to communicate to most folk. It wasn't till everyone started to die off that it became nessary to write stuff down.
This - especially the underlined - is so silly I don't think you even think is even an adequate defense. Firstly, oral testimony isn't some incorruptible thing. It's subject to the many faults of human memory, both with respect to detail and the temporal aspect.
So the problem you're avoiding is why we should have any confidence in the written recordings - which have multiple known forged additions - by people born decades later, [i]and[i] by groups whom had a vested interest and disagreed with the other Christian groups at the time?