RE: Differing Interpretations on Yahweh's Morality and Capabilities
September 12, 2013 at 9:04 am
(This post was last modified: September 12, 2013 at 9:07 am by Drich.)
(September 11, 2013 at 4:50 pm)Michael Schubert Wrote: Like all holy texts, the Christian Holy Bible is open to wide interpretation.Actually Christianity is the only one open to interpertation. As in those who center their beliefs around Christ have the freedom to believe what they can understand. for the same attonement that covers sin when we willfully disobey, also covers our misinterpertations.
Quote:Personally, I think the Holy Bible is repulsive, for it is full of animal cruelty, slavery, sexism, and outright hate speech. But Christians would probably say I am misinterpreting it.Actually no. What I would say is so what. Who says our soceitial norms that we can afford today are batter than what those people could do 4000 years ago? Strip away all of the mod/cons, and most of us would be lucky to live in a world like the one the bible tells of.
Example: how do post appoliptic writters invision our future; Mad Max, thunderdome, The Road, The Book of Eli look at their living conditions and honestly ask yourself how does that differ from what Moses lived in? Now ask why is all of that so much worse then anything the bible records?
What is the primary difference between modern 'pop morality' and how Moses could afford to live? It is the mod/cons afford you the luxury to be what you think is 'better.' Take those away and your/our true nature is revealed.
Quote:For example, look at the story of Noah's Ark. God supposedly decided to flood the world because of all the corruption going on within humanity.Not just humanity, neiphem were also apart of the equasion.
Quote:Well, isn't God omniscient? Can't he see into the future? If he knows all and sees all, then I would think God would know beforehand that humans would become evil at some point in their life and would simply make them die if they were to cause trouble in the future.Kinda like how He orders Moses to Kill whole tribes/genocide of a given people?
Quote: Better yet: If God knew they would become corrupt in the future, then why did he create them to begin with?for the remenant that would not be corrupt, and for all of whom they spawn.
Quote:Okay.... how did you come to that conclusion?
But others might say God created free will and the corrupt people who drowned in the flood had deliberately chosen to be bad. Maybe God was just giving the jerks what they deserved.
That raises questions about what exactly God is capable of doing. God obviously can't read your thoughts; he can only punish you if you misbehave.
Quote:This video heckles the Christian God for not doing enough for humanity. In Matthew, Jesus Christ heals a blind man and a man with leprosy. Well...Jesus Christ could have done a lot better. Scientists have cured many more people of leprosy than Christ ever did.You do understand the nature and reason for miricals right? It is not to erradicate the affliction, it is to establish that Christ Or the prophet/apstole is indeed who He says He is.
Quote:I am also a bit skeptical of Jesus Christ's moral character. Take a look at this passage from Matthew:Morality is a crap standard good to measure nothing. In the Link I go in detail, but in short 'morality' is man's current version of a righteousness mixed with a given amount of sin he is willing to live with.
Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law. And a person's enemies will be those of his own household. Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.
Jesus sounds like a jerk in that passage.
Quote:You have to love him more than your family? You must turn against your family for the sake of Jesus's love?This is absolutly nothing new. The Command to Love your Lord God with All of your being has Always been in effect. NT or Old.
Quote:Anyway, those are some things to think about.

now what?