You seem like what I need here. Forgive me if I offend, because I don't know my ass from my elbow when it comes to guns or gun culture.
A main theme of the article (and of my general experience, which I realize comes to about fuck-all) is that the gun culture/NRA (is there a difference?) absolutely refuses to even have a conversation about how to make gun laws which make life safer- laws forcing parents to keep guns safe, designing smart guns, keeping guns out of the hands of lunatics. They seem to always construct the strawman of "You're trying to take my guns away!" The horse is clearly out of the barn on gun ownership, and even my most rabid anti-gun acquaintances will admit this. But why can't we have a constructive conversation about more regulated gun ownership? Is there REALLY that great a fear that having a conversation about regulating guns will devolve into banning guns- which everyone knows will never happen? It seems to me that one can never get past the strawman and actually talk about the really, really big problems with guns in America.
Can you address some of this?
You seem like what I need here. Forgive me if I offend, because I don't know my ass from my elbow when it comes to guns or gun culture.
A main theme of the article (and of my general experience, which I realize comes to about fuck-all) is that the gun culture/NRA (is there a difference?) absolutely refuses to even have a conversation about how to make gun laws which make life safer- laws forcing parents to keep guns safe, designing smart guns, keeping guns out of the hands of lunatics. They seem to always construct the strawman of "You're trying to take my guns away!" The horse is clearly out of the barn on gun ownership, and even my most rabid anti-gun acquaintances will admit this. But why can't we have a constructive conversation about more regulated gun ownership? Is there REALLY that great a fear that having a conversation about regulating guns will devolve into banning guns- which everyone knows will never happen? It seems to me that one can never get past the strawman and actually talk about the really, really big problems with guns in America.
Can you address some of this?