(October 2, 2013 at 12:40 am)cato123 Wrote: Lion IRC, if you have actually read Leviticus 14 and claim this then you are a fucking idiot. How else to you reconcile LV 14-8 'the person to be cleansed'?It goes against the grain to side with Lion IRC, with whom I have some history in another time and place.
I'm sure your god will anoint you for lying on his behalf. Why the almighty creator of all that exists needs you to lie for him/her is beyond me.
Integrity doesn't seem to be high on the Christian value list.

However, I have glanced at Lev 14, and weird as it may sound to our modern way of thinking, here is the sequence:
1. The priest examines the leper and finds that the physical symptoms of the leprosy have been healed. (14:2-3)
2. The priest initiates the ritual to cleanse the leper, which is evidently a ceremonial cleansing. (14:4ff)
Later in the chapter the same sequence is followed for "leprosy" in a house (mold on the walls). First, the priest makes an inspection to be sure that the physical symptoms are gone, and then he initiates the cleansing sacrifice.
It doesn't change the fact that the whole bird blood thing is utterly laughable. I hope they weren't using endangered species.
If you could reason with religious people, there would be no religious people — House