The only valid proof of Gods existence is FAITH
The only valid proof of God's non-existence is FAITH
There are no hypotheses' that can lead to a theory that can be used to design experiments that would prove or disprove the existence of God. In this day and day and age we insist that empirical, repeatable evidence prove a theory.
Anecdotal evidence is not proof. The bible, Koran or any other missive do not nor can not prove anything about a God.
The only valid proof of God's non-existence is FAITH
There are no hypotheses' that can lead to a theory that can be used to design experiments that would prove or disprove the existence of God. In this day and day and age we insist that empirical, repeatable evidence prove a theory.
Anecdotal evidence is not proof. The bible, Koran or any other missive do not nor can not prove anything about a God.