Quote:I have a belief that makes me feel somewhat uncomfortable,
Given the rest of your post, it should do.
Quote:that all Muslims bare a responsibility for those that would (insert crime with Islam given as provocation here).
So, when a Christian loony shoots an abortion provider, all Christians bear the responsibility? More to the point, do you personally, as an atheist, feel that you bear the responsibility for Stalin's crimes?
Quote:I was hoping to have it shot down if I am to be honest, as it has somewhat festered into a dislike of any that call themselves Muslim and a wish for Islam "alone" to be banned from the UK.
Do you also support the deportation of all Catholics from the UK due to actions of the IRA savages? Do you also support deportation of all Protestants because of the actions of the UVF, etc?
Quote:I am all for freedom of religion,
*chuckle* No, you're not.
Quote:but I also believe it comes a burden of social responsibility;
I agree. But social responsibility doesn't include the mass deportation of innocent people due to the actions of the lunatic fringe. To even suggest such a thing is a sign of social irresponsibility on YOUR part.
Quote:I'll even put a plug in, what sickens me the most, the making women into chattel/marrying of little girls to dirty old men/polygamy/FGM/supremacist attitude
Leave out FGM and your description could include Mormonism. Is it your plant to evict Mormons from the UK as well? Change FGM to MGM and you'd be evicting Jews as well.
Quote:that coupled with these has turned Sweden into the rape capital of Europe/paedophile rings.
One thing at a time and all.
So...you're contending that the 6% Muslim population of Sweden is responsible for the majority of the rape and paedophilia in that country?
Quote:It appears, and this is where I believe the flaw in my understanding might lay, that there are one of two options available. Islam is a provocation for violence for Muslims, or, is far too easily misinterpreted as such. To give it some context;
ALL religions are a provocation to violence. No exceptions.
Quote:If memory serves, a PEW survey from 2012 gathered data on some 38,000+ Muslims and 28% thought violence in the defence of Islam is justifiable.
Assuming for the sake of argument that you've remembered this correctly, why would you seek to punish - by forced relocation - 72% of Muslim for the beliefs (NOT the actions) of a minority?
Quote:Which ever, if either, are right. The solution seems the same;
Muslims should change their religious doctrine (or be forcefully deported to the Islamic country of their choice), Islam as it stands is a catalyst for violence and a danger to everyone including Muslims. When some one third of their believers have misinterpreted the religion to advocate violence and are going to "HELL", whilst other believe that murdering women and children along with themselves will get them eternal life it should be banned.
Glad to see that you're 'all for religious freedom'.
‘I can’t be having with this.’ - Esmeralda Weatherwax