(August 29, 2008 at 4:02 pm)Tiberius Wrote: The thing about destiny is that it could be scientific. Free will is a chemical reaction, and because we don't get to replay choices we have no idea whether our choices are actually "choices" at all. If everything that happens is pre-determined and predictable through the movements of atoms or whatever lies below them, then destiny falls into place perfectly.
Of course it's all speculation so I don't believe in it until I see some evidence. The reasoning is there though.
Give me a break!
You are not convinced that undeterminism and determinism are two factual elements of Nature? Do you?
The law of undeterminism formulated by Bohr/Heisenberg meant initially to be valid only for Microcosm but has been proved as being a general law of the Universe.
Einstein said to it that he does not believe that God rolls dices.
He was of course wrong and that contributed to speculations about him as believing in God ,which was not true.
Now let's get down to our individual life.Make an introspection at this very moment you are at the computer and you'll find that almost every motion of your body,every thought,feeling,reaction, are random .
Ask meteorologists about the weather forecast and you'll get the answer that it is now proven without any doubt that the most
ultra super computer will enable to improve the forecast but never make it exactly.
The cause of it is not the complexity of equations the computer would have to solve but the fact that the weather is governed ,as many other phenomena by statistical laws.
What is a statistical law? A law which has at it's core probable events and at it's end undeterministic events.
We are literally implemented in an ocean of statistic laws
between them being also our personal health or illness.
The unacceptance of undeterminism in Nature is one of the most powerful arms of religions by saying that only God or Destiny is governing our lives .